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In Defense of a Liberal Education

Fareed Zakaria expresses his views on the need for a Liberal Arts Education

What Does It Mean To Be Educated?

Here is a good start as you are attempting to answer this question:

What Does It Mean To Be Educated? by Forbes contributor Steve Denning

The Public Value of the Liberal Arts by John Agresto in Academic Questions, Fall 1999, Vol. 12, Issue 4

On Being Truly Educated

Journals, Magazines, Newspaper Articles, etc.

Many of you will be looking for scholarly articles for your projects and papers. This link will take you to an A-Z List of our 250+ databases. The primary general databases are Gale's Academic OneFile, Ebsco's Academic Search Premier and Proquest's Research Library. At this time if you want to search by subject, you should go to the Billington Library's home page, choose Browse
Databases, and click on Subject. Then choose the subject that best fits your research area. Look at the databases in that subject area to start your searching.



What is a citizen?

  • * a person who legally belongs to a
    country and has the rights and
    protection of that country
    * a person who lives in a particular

  • What is citizenship?

  • * the fact or status of being a citizen
    of a particular place
    * the qualities that a person is expected
    to have as a responsible member of a

  • According to the Online Merriam-Webster

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