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Library Resources Overview

Information about the types of library resources and support available to you as a member of Johnson County Community College.

Discovering Research

There are three ways to find articles using the JCCC Library's resources.  Below is a listing of the options and how they work.

  • Summon - Search through everything we own via one search box.  Summon is our version of Google for the library.
  • Library Databases - Search focused collections of materials for your topic.  We have over 200 databases to choose from.  Summon searches the majority of these.
  • BrowZine - Go directly into magazines and journals, looking at specific issues.

Still not sure where to start?  Ask us!

Introduction to Summon

Library Databases


Summon Search

Library Research Databases

The library has over 200 databases to help you in your research.  Not sure where to start?  Watch the video on library databases or ask a librarian.

Pick from the list below or go to the library website to get started.