Common options to search publicly-owned companies/corporations are by their full name or by their stock ticker symbol (TS). A TS is a unique company name abbreviation comprised of letters and numbers; they alternately identify a company name and its publicly traded stock daily reported through a particular market such as the NY Stock Exchange. Their format may be all alpha letters (1-4) only, or numbers, or a distinct combination of both. As a searchable identifier fields in many electronic resources, it is often more efficient (translate "less key strokes") for companies with complex formal names to search for them by TS rather than formal name key words. Eg., formal name: E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co. versus its TS symbol: DD.
Stock symbol and their trading exchange information are commone elements most brief company profile characteristics.
Ticker symbols if unknown may be found on some free websites like Market Watch or at NASDAQ among many options of choice.